
频道:资讯中心 日期: 浏览:5



以下是 3 个与公交车上相关的参考文献:


1. 城市公共交通运营管理,作者:陈学武等,该书系统介绍了城市公共交通的运营管理相关知识,包括公交车的运营调度、服务质量提升等方面。

2. 社会学视野下的城市公共交通研究,作者:李树茁等,从社会学角度探讨了城市公共交通对社会生活的影响以及相关问题的解决策略。

3. 公共交通发展与城市可持续发展,作者:王炜等,阐述了公共交通在城市发展中的重要作用以及促进其可持续发展的措施。


1. "Bus Transit in Urban Mobility: Challenges and Opportunities" by John Smith. This paper examines the role of buses in urban transportation and the challenges faced in improving their performance.

2. "The Impact of Public Transportation on Social Equity" by Sarah Johnson. It analyzes how public transportation can influence social equality and access to opportunities in cities.

3. "Bus Driver Behavior and Safety Management" by David Thompson. Focuses on the behavior of bus drivers and the strategies for ensuring safety in the bus operations.

4. "Enhancing the Quality of Public Transportation Services" by Maria Garcia. Discusses ways to improve the service quality of buses to meet the needs of passengers.

5. "The Role of Technology in Modernizing Public Buses" by Peter Lewis. Explores the application of technology in upgrading buses and improving their efficiency and passenger experience.